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CallTheFknSparky's Lawyer Application Application ID #13162 Submitted on 10/10/24 at 11:00:52 AM ---------------------- OOC Contact Info CallTheFknSparky ---------------------- Character Name Harvey Ross ---------------------- Link to your OzzyGaming player profile https://fivem.ozzy.life/player/110000148373934 ---------------------- How many hours have you played on OzzyGaming's FiveM server? 60 ---------------------- What do you think the role of a Lawyer is? The role of a lawyer is to be legal aid for people that need representation in any legal matter. They are used to help legal proceedings along and to assist individuals and businesses in those proceedings. ---------------------- Have you recieved any formal warnings or ban on the server? No ---------------------- Do you have any legal experience? (Ozzy, other servers or IRL) Yes, Irl and in other city's. Very familiar with legal proceedings  1 point
1 point
Greetings all, For some time there have been concerns around Police’s capability to handle extremely hostile coordinated criminal organisations. Given the Police’s organisational disadvantages, it is felt additional tools are required in specific situations. In an effort to provide police with adequate tools to address this challenge, we are proposing a new department’s creation. The new department will operate under my direct oversight to ensure careful and diligent management of what could be a very problematic group if left unsupervised. This means the return of Ex-Police Commissioner Robert Wilson. After some discussions over drinks with the powers that be, he has been persuaded to return to police in a newly created role: Federal Requisitions Officer (FRO). Please read the following proposal carefully, and then I ask for your considered feedback in the forum linked below. Department: Strategic Air Command Initiative: Tactical Assistance Program Director: FRO Robert Wilson Program Outline Active police officers not in a command position (Incremental Senior Sergeant and below) will be able to express interest in becoming a TAP Pilot, to be called on in cases where police are severely and notably disadvantaged against an organisation - approved by the FRO directly. These pilots will in interviewed and hand-picked to serve, character references and police references (from command members) will be required to be considered. Standing in the city, activity and Commendations/Reports will all be considered. Selected pilots will be provided with a single police Akula helicopter with no munitions. They will be on a trial period to prove their skills at handling, communication and ability to follow instructions from the ranking officer. During this trial, they will operate as eyes in the sky for the other officers. After completion of this trial, the pilot will be allowed to purchase consumables for their Akula, namely ammunition. All purchases will be logged and approved by FRO, also will cost the officer, to ensure suitable discretion is exercised. While the Akula may be used for normal Polair duties, it is not to engage targets unless attacked first or written authorisation is sought from the Commanding FRO. Activation Criteria The pilot cannot be the Shift Commander. The Akula may be launched in a strictly Polair capacity until all further criteria are met. The police must be outnumbered (or equal) to present hostile organisation group. The hostile group must have initiated hostile actions, police initiated hostile actions will result in a 10-minute cooldown before the Akula may engage. FRO written approval must be sought, if the FRO is unavailable then a member of Government may grant activation in their absence. All flight time for any reason must be logged. Once engaging in hostile action the Akula cannot be stored until all hostility has ceased, no further rearming may occur until the situation is considered complete. If the FRO or a superior officer instructs the pilot to deactivate, they must comply immediately or be grounded pending investigation. Only one Akula may be active at any one time. Failure to comply Breaches of activation/deactivation requirements or any other breach of TAP protocol will be dealt with harshly and may result in: Grounding Removal from TAP PSC Referral Demotion Termination of Employment Asset Acquisition Only one Akula will be granted to a pilot at a time, loss of this asset will result in a two-week cooldown before a new one may be issued, at FRO discretion. Frivolous or dangerous use of the asset will result in grounding until a formal review is completed. Proposed Consumable Costs Machine gun ammo: $250 per round Barrage missiles (not homing, max 4): $100,000 each Flares (Max 5): Free (Automatically rearmed on storage) Countermeasures Available Understandably, Organisations will require a counter to this. The homing launcher will be available for trade at the blackmarket. The launchers will be single use, each costing $200,000 (Black money). Note: one missile will destroy the Akula if hit. Planned Deployment Timeline Review feedback: 2 weeks Update proposal: 2 weeks Finalise with Government: 1 week Interview potential pilots: 2 weeks Program going live: Approx. final week of May Congratulations on reading this far, please provide all feedback via this form: Proposal Feedback & Expression of Interest Police interested in a pilot role with TAP should fill in the EOI section when prompted in the feedback form. Regards, FRO Robert Wilson1 point
FAQ, Comments & Clarifications Q: Homing Rockets are able to target all vehicles (and several other entities) this seems OP to give to organisations? A: Very good point, it has been noted that homing rockets would be generally too easy. Instead, the launchers provided will not be homing. Q: If the police force is outgunned, though not outnumbered, would the Akula be able to be activated? A: On a case by case basis, this is possible but will be evaluated at the time of request. Q: Bodycam recording should be required full the full duration of activation. A: This is an excellent idea but may cause issues with extended situations and the limited storage space on some officers systems. I will review possible alternatives. Q: PSC should be given final decision on punishments. Namely, police employment terminations. A: Agreed, they and Cabinet will be included in decisions. Q: What happens if the FRO is unavailable, and what level of government is able to activate in the FRO's stead? A: Activations would be permitted by FRO, Managers & Executives (Excluding those members of the presently hostile organisation). Q: In addition to the gunships, SRT should have a team whose 'cousins' are not associated with organisations. A: Noted but this should be raised with the directors/Cabinet, this proposal will mandate no changes to SRT. Q: AFP should be excluded from this department. A: I'll consider it, but there is nothing inherently wrong with them activating (from a philosophical standpoint) Q: Will there be only one FRO? What about deputies? A: At this stage, yes. Q: Can FRO be corrupt? A: No, unlike the person who accused the FRO of corruption being the most corrupt officer in the city's history - you know who you are. Q: The Akula can use tear gas bombs. A: Yes, great idea. $50,000 each - max 6. Q: It's stupid! A: Yes, I'm glad you noticed... Q: Sounds like it would be lame. A: O rly? Q: "Yeah let’s make the server a military roleplay server fuckin mint" A: Coming from a member of the Apostles, this seems ironic... or at least hypocritical. Q: Was this an April Fools' joke? A: Yes What I found amusing was how many people were very pressed then saw someone else say it could be an April Fools and tried to unreact/retract statements to pretend they were never fooled. You know who you are and yes I saw. Many thanks to all for the extremely humorous discussions, direct messages, responses and outrage/fuss. I knew PD and the Orgs could be a little prickly, but goodness... (Not all of you, chill). I thoroughly enjoyed reading the various remarks. What some of you thought were viable ideas makes me frightened for any suggestions you make in future. Also, some of you may need to work a little on some self-reflection... some of those EOI question answers were... interesting. Congrats to @Flexas the first person to outright state what was up - granted in dev chat. Sorry to our runner-up @Jackothegamer, since Ryan inadvertently helped you out, I consider your 'realisation' cheating - P.S. Cubix and I were messing with you in channel, he knew what was up sorry dude, it was just too good to pass up.1 point
FiveM Server Rules These rules are under constant revision and can be changed at any time, While we will attempt to notify players of changes, you are encouraged to regularly check this post. Ignorance of the rules is not a valid excuse, failure to abide by these rules will result in punishment. Last Updated: 20/05/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General 1. Most Important Rule: Use common sense! 2. You must follow any instructions given by staff straight away. You may appeal a decision or ban via a support ticket on our website. 3. Trolling is not allowed. 4. Exploiting in-game mechanics/cheating is not allowed. 5. All players must roleplay as mature characters. 6. The minimum player age on our FiveM server is (16+). 7. Forced ERP is not allowed. 8. Random Deathmatch (RDM) is not permitted, RDM is attempting to harm/kill another person without any roleplay reason. 9. Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM) is not permitted under any circumstance except to save your life when threatened. 10. Combat logging is not allowed. 11. Police over the rank of Sergeant or in MCD are not allowed to be corrupt, as well as EMS at or over the rank of Senior Paramedic. 12. If your communications are seized during roleplay you are strictly forbidden to call for outside assistance, as well as if you are restrained or knocked out. 13. Terrorism roleplay is not permitted without prior management approval. Roleplay 14. Fail roleplay is not allowed. Punishable Examples of Fail Roleplay: Using voice/text chat while dead is only acceptable to act weak/moan and roleplay your injuries. Not fearing for your character's life in any given situation. Refusing to pay invoices. 15. Small stunt jumps (rat strats) are allowed. 16. You must remain in character at all times, including if a player is breaching a rule. Rule breach issues should be reported to staff after the roleplay has finished. 16.5. You can identify players off their voices if you have had previous RP engagements with them, additionally, you will need to prove you have had these engagements if brought up. (This is a trial rule change) Metagaming 17. Metagaming is not allowed. Information used in roleplay needs to come from a roleplay source. Punishable Examples of Fail Metagaming: Tracking down a streamer whilst they are actively streaming. Failing to identify a person in roleplay with previous engagement, instead assuming who they are by their voice that you have heard through videos/streams, without any prior RP knowledge. Calling for assistance via Teamspeak or Discord and not using in-game radios or phones. The use of information in rp that you have gained from ooc discords. Powergaming 18. Powergaming is not allowed. This is when you force your roleplay on a situation to gain the outcome you desire without giving the other party an opportunity to roleplay back. Punishable Examples of Powergaming: Deciding that you have received fatal injuries when they were only minor to avoid roleplaying with EMS or getting revived and facing consequences. Storing/garaging vehicles, items, money or weapons before roleplay has completely finished where another party can no longer access it. Destroying items/assets while being held at gunpoint so that your captors do not make a financial gain. Knowing and using the limits of server rules to protect yourself in roleplay. 19. You cannot store a vehicle that is involved in an ongoing roleplay situation. 20. If you use your house or apartment as a hold point or to hide, police can and will raid it. Combat & Hostile Roleplay 21. Group sizes in hostile situations are limited to: Civilian - 6 Organisation Tier 1 (Registered Gang) - 8 Organisation Tier 2 (Official Syndicate) - 12 22. Declarations must be made before hostile roleplay commences. Guidelines of Declarations: A declaration can only be made via voice communication when face-to-face with another person or vehicle-to-vehicle. When declaring, you must explain what actions you want the player to do along with a threat. You must allow a reasonable amount of time for the player to comply. Hostile situations are ongoing for 15 minutes after the last hostile action. If players escape a new declaration is required. 23. "Kill On Site" (KOS) can only be done in the KOS-restricted zone on Cayo. Organisations that are “Official Tier 1 - 3”, can also have a KOS War. These KOS wars need to follow "Section 5: KOS Wars" in the Organisation rules. 24. Helmets currently are bugged and are not to be worn for hostile actives. If you are declared on you must take it off at the earliest convenience. Org members contesting zones should plan accordingly. Zone Wars 25. Any group may partake in zone wars. Guidelines for Zone Wars: Once a zone is captured, that zone is then on a 24-hour cooldown Five members of the defending group must be online to start a war Each individual may only start one war every two hours Heli's may be used in zone wars, but they must be used for combat warfare & not to sit at high altitudes to cap the zone out of reach. A declaration is required in neutral zones (warning shots are allowed to be used as a dec if appropriate time has been given for the other side to leave) Hostility must remain in the general area (can’t snipe from miles away) Once a zone is captured, regular server rules apply (hostility timer begins). Hostage Situations 26. Hostage-taking is permitted with some exceptions. Guidelines of Hostage Taking: Police may not be taken hostage but can have their comms devices removed during hostile situations. Hostages may be part of your group, however, if this is discovered by police then assume negotiations are off. Hostage takers must talk/engage with the hostage for the duration of their captivity. Hostages cannot be forced to withdraw items or money from their property/atm/society Robberies 27. Robbing players/siege/stores/banks is permitted with some exceptions. Guidelines for Robbing: “Robberies must not be used for any purpose other than to complete and escape!!!” Civilian Interactions: Robbing players is allowed, however this must be done with an appropriate level of roleplay and have an appropriate roleplay reason. Simply saying "hands" is not acceptable. Store/Bank Robberies & Heists: - Maximum of 2 vehicles for civilian groups. - Maximum of 3 vehicles for organisations. Police: - You may not lay siege to police buildings. - Police transports are acceptable targets. - Diving suits must not be used to evade police. - Police facilities may not be sieged. Whitelisted Clothing 28. Whitelisted clothing are Police/Ems/Job/Org clothing items. Guidelines for Whitelisted Clothing: You can not wear "whitelisted clothing" items unless you work for those jobs or are a member of that org. Taking organisation clothing is allowed as long as you have a good roleplay reason to do so. You may then use that “stolen org clothing” within the next 2 hours. You can not store the clothing and use it later down the line. Illegal Areas & Cayo Perico 29. Police are aware of many known illegal locations across the map. Police are permitted to enter or raid these locations and, with probable cause search any person or vehicle in that area. Guidelines of Cayo Perico: In the area of the airfield and up to the wire, all rules apply. Once over the wire and into the danger zone, all rules requiring declarations are considered void. Refer to (23. KOS above) Map Restrictions & Safe Zones 30. Safe zones are in most cases coloured zones on the map. Green Zones: Green safe zones are areas where hostile actions can not be started or brought into. These include character spawns and NPC ran car dealerships. Blue Zones: Blue safe zones are areas where hostile actions can not be started, however, they can be brought in, as long as uninvolved players are not forcibly included in the hostility. These include police stations and hospitals. Restricted Zones: The Aircraft Carrier is a restricted area, players are not permitted here. Finance & Economy 31. Refusing to pay invoices is not allowed. If issued an invoice in error make a support ticket on our website. Guidelines of Finance & Economy: Transferring assets or money between your multiple characters including the use of a middleman is not permitted. This also includes transferring/using items while not on or on duty in relevant jobs such as police guns. Dumping your inventory items, weapons, cash, vehicles, etc is not allowed. Giving items to other players, characters, or friends when leaving the server or killing off an old character is not permitted without specific management approval. Real World Trading - Selling/transferring of in-game items/currency for money/goods in the real world is not permitted. Players are not permitted to trade any “premium cars” in-game, (Including from the donation store, discord boosts, cars won in events, or other vehicles not purchased through a car dealer). Jobs 32. Job vehicles cannot be used in hostile situations, they are for rp purposes or to complete the job. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Support & Player Reporting OzzyGaming's primary, real-time support system is via Helpdesk in TeamSpeak, which can be downloaded here and you can connect to our server via this IP (ts.ozzy.life). Join one of the waiting for support channels and a staff member will speak with you individually when available. When in doubt, this should be your first point of contact and a staff member can direct you in the right direction. If you are in-game you can lodge a support request via the (insert) menu or by typing /report. An admin will endeavor to assist you if one is online and available. For matters that do not require immediate assistance or may require some investigation, players should submit a support ticket on our website here (https://www.ozzygaming.com.au/support/). For general questions/support, the #support channel in our discord (https://discord.gg/ozzygaming) offers very fast responses.1 point
OzzyGaming Community Rules Last Update: 03/07/2022 Preface Community rules are designed to protect our community members from toxicity and harassment. Therefore, we will act if anything not covered in the following rules falls within the criteria mentioned below. Our team is encouraged to punish any community member whose intention is to breed toxicity or has the intent to have fun at the expense of another community member. However, our team prefers to take a reformative approach, and as long as your intention in the community is to make an honest attempt at playing without breeding toxicity, you will receive support doing that. At the end of the day, we're all here to have fun, not everyone has to be friends. However, it is expected that you treat your peers with basic human decency. Community Member Conduct In a nutshell, community members must be respectful to their peers. You do not have to be their friend. However, you must apply basic human decency at all times. Verbal abuse, bullying, harassment, and belittling are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. No anti-social behaviour, harassment or discrimination against race/colour, sexuality, disability, religion, gender is tolerated in this community. Community members must have appropriate names that are not offensive or designed to agitate. This includes on Discord/Teamspeak/Website/Steam/In-game. Doxxing Policy OzzyGaming wishes to create a community free from issues of doxxing. We wish to protect our community members from this kind of toxicity above all else to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in the community. Due to this, we have employed some harsh verification requirements on our services. OzzyGaming takes doxxing exceptionally seriously, and anyone found out to be a doxxer through a report or otherwise will be removed from the community without warning. Doxxing can be defined as sharing/leaking personal information, images, videos, or any information relating to another person without their permission. Doxxing is illegal in all states of Australia and in New Zealand. It is taken seriously by authorities when reported. The following links will assist victims of doxxing as to their options if they have been doxxed: For Australians: https://www.esafety.gov.au/industry/tech-trends-and-challenges/doxing For Kiwis: https://www.netsafe.org.nz/doxxing/ OzzyGaming will support victims of doxxing and guide them in the direction of where they can report doxxers to the authorities. We can also help preserve any evidence contained in any of our services for victims to use in reports. OzzyGaming will comply with any requests for information by authorities concerning doxxing, and any information held on someone who has been found to be doxxing will be handed over. Media We all enjoy a bit of banter and like to have fun. But you must know your audience and make sure you are not taking anything too far, and make sure to keep all banter to the assigned banter channels. Below are a couple of rules that should be followed at all times. Do not advertise or promote other communities/servers/services within our community. This includes streaming/video channels. However, Content creators may post their channels. Do not share inappropriate images or videos that include pornography or other offensive materials. Staff Interactions and Punishments Our team members are handpicked from the community and are players just like you. They are not part-time or full-time paid employees, so please be respectful to them as they are volunteering to help you. Do not impersonate team members. Community members must abide by decisions and instructions from team members. If you perceive an issue or mistake with a decision, you may submit a support ticket at https://ozzygaming.com.au/support. Do not discuss punishments or bans with other community members. There are appeal processes set up to ensure impartiality, and there is always opportunity to discuss these matters privately with a team member. More information concerning the punishment procedure can be found here: https://www.ozzygaming.com.au/topic/8569-new-punishment-process-and-requirements-for-staff.1 point
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