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About xyyoshi

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  1. xyyoshi's Lawyer Application Application ID #10868 Submitted on 09/03/22 at 02:52:10 PM ---------------------- OOC Contact Info https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199123533390/ and Xyyoshi#0956 ---------------------- Character Name Saul Goodman ---------------------- Link to your OzzyGaming player profile https://fivem.ozzy.life/player/110000145560e4e ---------------------- How many hours have you played on OzzyGaming's FiveM server? 44 ---------------------- What do you think the role of a Lawyer is? The role of a lawyer is to make sure that justice is served to those who require it. Being a lawyer is more than how much money the client is paying, it is about making sure that the client is given their fair punishment or making sure they are not wrongfully accused for a crime that they have not committed ---------------------- Have you recieved any formal warnings or ban on the server? No ---------------------- Do you have any legal experience? (Ozzy, other servers or IRL) No, but I am willing to learn along the way
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