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  1. Hey there ill try and go through my history and figure who it was that i was watching
  2. So i was at a point where there was no games that are close to being released that really got me hyped that was until i stumbled upon ozzygaming on youtube one afternoon and since then have been set on giving the servers a try although i was hesitant for a while because i have been off pc for a while and thought it would have been more difficult to get it up and running but its so easy and it runs so smooth and im so glad i have found you guys , i literally only play survival games and battlefield 4 on pc , and i had play extended gta 5 for a bit but was unimpressed ,i have also convinced two of my mates to try it and they cant stop "Fluffy dicecubes" & "static_Flow05" , anyway ill stop rambling on and thanks for letting me apart of this hilarious and friendly community
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