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Like a dead horse, let's hit this for a 4th? 5th? time - The Great Crosshair vote

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  • Executive

IMPORTANT: You do not need to hurry, think about it, sleep on it. You have until midnight on the 19th (Friday next week) to vote.

Discord always has a way of skewing peoples view on topics as the vocal minority often rules the discussion and many people with doubts simply try to fit in because that is how we humans operate. Just like so many times before, you have a fresh opportunity to vote on the outcome you would like to see. As always, this is a test of community feeling on the topic and doesn't represent a binding referendum. We all have to make sacrifices due to technical and other reasons - FiveM is not a perfect platform and we have a long history of blindly doing exactly what the community thought they wanted and suffering not insignificant repercussions from it.

This vote and potential discussion will feed into and influence heavily managements ongoing discussions around server balance. If you don't care, don't vote.

Please note: Arguments equating to "People break this rule anyway so we have too" is akin to "People hack so we should let them" or "RDM happens so we should allow it" - please base your discussions around the vision for the server that you wish to continue to play on.

Otherwise, have at it. Don't start silly discussions on the alleged first amendment - anyone who is just being toxic is open to be moderated as per usual. So please, keep it civil. I appreciate this is a sometimes polarising topic but there is no need to pretend that people who disagree with you are stupid or incapable of understanding.

Please utilise your opinion, not your friends or how people you know would like you too. Also, please remember to be considerate of all sides - this is about server balance, not about who wants an advantage nor a chance to just slag off other groups you don't like. We are and will remain a roleplay server, no matter how many burnt out players argue otherwise after a bad day on the server.


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I have voted that everyone has crosshairs because then its a bit more fair on everyone instead of just PD having them. Yes it is nice as a PD officer to have the small advantage but i dont mind taking L's if its fair :)

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I would like the implementation of recoil on the crosshair like some city's have if crosshairs are brought in. Still while having the crosshair it still takes at least a little more skill even if slightly while keeping it still reasonably realistic.

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  • Executive
Just now, Izou said:

I would like the implementation of recoil on the crosshair like some city's have if crosshairs are brought in. Still while having the crosshair it still takes at least a little more skill even if slightly while keeping it still reasonably realistic.

Recoil requires loops, loops cause performance issues. But yes, as part of a different discussion recoil is being considered. We would have a lot to test on the script stability and performance before we would implement a system like that. There are interesting arguments on both sides of this one. But as mentioned, discussion here is just crosshairs.

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  • Executive

Oh and just to note:

Regardless of outcome or changes on the server. Players banned for using third party applications to implement crosshairs will not have their bans lifted retroactively. They broke the rules at the time and did so knowingly.

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It's a tentative yes from me on the addition of crosshairs to every player on the server under the reasoning that such a large advantage that a crosshair provides shouldn't be limited to just one faction.

From the outside looking in as an EMS main the inclusion of crosshairs for everyone is going to increase aiming precision which will lead to more headshot downs. More headshot downs lead to more DOA's. In my experience an engaging roleplay experience from the EMS side is rare at best when someone is DOA'd. Most people aren't happy when they have to respawn and take a death tax because of it.

Ostensibly the death tax and DOA's in general are a money sink to keep the economy from becoming overbloated. While I understand that this is a vital part of keeping the server stable, there is a fine balance between money sinks that are for maintenance (food water guns ammo cars houses etc.) and money sinks that are based on straight loss (police fines and death taxes). If you have too much money been sunk in to these straight losses then players in game experiences will suffer.

To be clear I do support the addition of crosshairs for every player in the server as I believe that there will be an improvement in player experiences with regards to a decrease in hackusations. With consideration to the player experience I believe that either way the vote goes, shifting the money sink aspects away from pure losses more to maintenance costs will benefit player experience and alleviate frustrations caused by death taxes.

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is there some sort of system that could be implemented wherein the more you use the weapons the less sway or recoil you might get. This way we wont all have immediately stable crosshairs and it will enact like we ned to undergo some form of training to be able to use it efficiently

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To everyone that poked me after the Podcast and said that Management don't listen, I can tell you that they do listen and they are working on a lot in the background. Just because you don't see it does not mean it is not happening or something not being worked on, there is a lot of stuff that the development team do, aka fixing loops, bugs and constant adjustments to the code, nothing is always perfect, takes time to get it right and find that balance. One minute people can say YES to crosshairs, whereas 6 months down the track they'll turn around and say NAH GET RID OF THEM.

p.s. For the people that are saying that the Podcast is a waste of time, "LOOK UP" That was one of your topic you bought up.

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+1 For Crosshair Implementation

If the majority decide to not have crosshairs, People will either way use third party devices/software to either get a crosshair or gain an advantage. To stop people arguing the fact of crosshair all the time, I think it'd be better to add them so there is a level playing field, Instead of scummy players having an advantage. Either way, If people have a shit shot, A crosshair doesn't guarantee instant headshots.

However, It is important to mention that taking the L is part of roleplay, And I feel that is the number one issue that players face accepting, To not instantly call people out for crosshair because the other player has just had a good shot.

This poll I feel is quite important, So I'm excited to hopefully see some changes in the future. It'll be good to see where this poll goes.


Dream - OzzyGaming Administrator

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look, id rather it be a first person only city, then crosshairs wouldnt make a difference regardless and half the people flying down the highway at 300+ will find more adrenaline from speeding along with the loss of peaking corners without showing yourself.

probably the most unpopular opinion but it would be fun

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+1 I would like to see crosshairs come into Ozzy but I feel like it might be a bit op everyone will just headshots. If they could Implement something were your crosshair only lasts 10 seconds after you've pulled out your gun then after those 10 seconds the crosshair disappears. Therefore you have to re-holster your weapon to bring up the crosshair again.

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Since we keep coming back to vote and argue again and again about why Crosshairs for civ's would be a good/bad idea

Why not just enable them for a month like a trail of some sorts ?

this way it can simply be turned off if all goes to hell.. even further, im looking at you sandy players its like TDM up there xD

the quality of hostile RP on the server needs ALOT of improvement,

i would even say the server not ready for civs to have crosshairs, people are stuck on ozzy is casual RP and to much TDM.. if people just didnt kill each other over spilt milk eh..

EMS already over loaded with work and even to the point they refuse to respond to sandy lol

Poor fellas will have 10x the more work when everyone can aim xD..

its okay EMS most of them will be headshot kills anyway XD

but hey I'm all for giving crosshairs to civilians sure, but there would need to be changes like

have them disabled in cars etc I feel like "police pursuits and, drive by's will be deadly and a pain in the ass"

1 shot pistols etc will need to be balanced/nerfed..

i feel like this will make areas like sandy hell but hey why not..

while where at it can we lower cop death tax to 0.1% ;) i feel like where gonna get killed/headshot a lot xD

Edited by joe
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  • Executive

I'm still impressed at the number of responses. Management has included this feedback in our choices going forward.

You will hear further on this topic in times to come - for now we'll all just have to wait and see.

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