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Bups's Court Booking

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Bups's Court Booking
Application ID #9386
Submitted on 06/04/21 at 02:29:05 PM

Plaintiff Steam Name
Plaintiff Name
Bups Fulgencio
Defendant Name
Charged with GTA after commandeering a civilian vehicle & driving to Pillbox in a desperate life or death situation - at the time was suffering minor bleeding on account of a fall. (Roughly 12.10am 5/6/21) As soon it was obvious to me I was being pursued by LSPD, I slowed my vehicle into ear-range of the two officers and stated I was on my way to Pillbox with seconds to spare on my life, so as to mediate the situation before the officers were warranted to act in suspicion of evasion.
I admitted guilt and negotiated with the commanding officer - Senior Sergeant Emiya Kazuma that a GTA charge would damage my reputation and impede my livelihood as a junior lawyer with the DOJ
The Sergeant returned to me and informed me during our discussions the other officer had gone ahead and placed the charges to my name.
Sergeant Kazuma stated he would be willing to testify as to what's happened here in a court of law.
Do you confirm all information provided is the truth to the best of your knowledge?

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Thank you for your booking.

Police will be briefed regarding this matter, a case will be heard in the next 7 days.

I will be in touch further

Jake Masters

Department of Justice

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