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TheGamingRaptor's Lawyer Application

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TheGamingRaptor's Lawyer Application
Application ID #12329
Submitted on 09/24/23 at 12:54:56 PM

OOC Contact Info
TheGamingRaptor - Raptor #9664
Character Name
Jones Tatoshi
Link to your OzzyGaming player profile
How many hours have you played on OzzyGaming's FiveM server?
What do you think the role of a Lawyer is?
the role of a lawyer is to provide legal help to those that need it, whether that be defending someone that is being sued or whether it is someone that is requesting a lawyer after being arrested.
Have you recieved any formal warnings or ban on the server?
Do you have any legal experience? (Ozzy, other servers or IRL)
i have a few small bits of legal experince in another city.


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